Distributed Generation Solar Systems (Rooftop Solar Systems) 

A distributed generation solar system utilizes unused rooftop space for the deployment of solar systems. In land-scarce regions such as Singapore, distributed generation solar systems provide an avenue for businesses to utilize solar energy by generating solar energy from the rooftops of their buildings. 
Installing a distributed generation solar system will not only help businesses achieve their long-term energy goals, but also fulfil their corporate social responsibility goals by raising the sustainability bar for commercial building owners. Commercial building owners can look forward to reaping several benefits, such as reducing electricity bills, earning the Green Mark (GM) Certification, roof/building cooling, and demonstrating ethical and sustainable core values. 

Benefits of Distributed Generation Solar System
reduce utility bill
Reduce utility bill with clean solar energy consumed on-site.
reduce temperature
Reduce building's temperature and further reducing utility costs.
Ethical and sustainable.
green electricity
Achieve green certification for buildings for some countries.

Deploying distributed generation solar system on public housing in Singapore  

The program aggregates solar demand across government agencies to leverage economies of scale, allowing agencies with smaller energy demand to use clean energy at a lower cost.

The project entails solar panels on residential high-rise buildings and government sites. The electricity generated by the solar panels will be used during the day to fully power shared services in residential buildings such as elevators, lights and water pumps.  


  • More than 200 MWp installed capacity 
  • More than 2,300 buildings with solar panels  
Three people next to solar panels on the rooftop of a building. All wear reflective vests and helmets. One of the people has some sheets in his hands and the three talk about the indications given on those sheets.

Solar PPA 

Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) allows commercial building owners to utilize solar energy without having to pay any upfront investment cost. EDP Renewables APAC's Solar PPA fully finances the solar systems, installs and maintains it for companies, charging only for the solar energy consumed by the building at a competitive electricity tariff rate over a period of 20 – 25 years.

Benefits of Solar PPA
renewable energy
A source of renewable energy.
reduce utility bills
Potentially reduce utility bills.
Carbon emissions
Contribute to a low carbon economy.


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