Crooked Lake Solar Park

Project Overview

Crooked Lake Solar Park is a 175 MW utility-scale solar facility located in the northeast corner of Mississippi County, AR, approximately three and a half miles east of downtown Blytheville. The solar park is located in a primarily rural area and, if constructed, provides an economic benefit to the surrounding community. The solar park is sited on land leased from local landowners who recognize the benefits of hosting a solar project. Lease payments would serve as a stable, weather-resistant cash crop that complements the area’s agricultural economy. 

Crooked Lake Solar Park
Economic benefits

Crooked Lake Solar Park significantly yields payments to landowners, local spending, and annual community investment.

Solar panel
200+ Million

Capital investment

purchase agreement icon
$13 million

Paid to local governments

Energy savings
$10 million

Paid to landowners

$16+ million

Spent locally

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Job creation

Hundreds of construction jobs and multiple permanent jobs 

Renewable energy technology

Misenheimer Solar Park Banner

Energy security

Crooked Lake Solar Park will help strengthen the energy security for the state of Arkansas and the United States, helping diversify domestic supply.
Crooked Lake Solar Park


Crooked Lake Solar Park will consist of state-of-the art, single-axis tracking PV panels on a site of approximately 1,800 acres.
Solar construction jobs

Solar energy in the U.S.

In the first three quarters of 2023, solar energy comprised of 48% of all new generating capacity.


Crooked Lake would save more than 222 million gallons of water each year and prevent the air pollution that causes smog, acid rain, and climate change. Solar energy also enhances air quality by helping to mitigate the health effects of harmful air pollutants.

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Crooked Lake Fact Sheet
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Contact Us
1501 McKinney Street, Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77010
T: 713.805.9856
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