Wisconsin Renewable Energy

Community reaps benefits from Wisconsin wind farm

Thursday 23, February 2023

Wind energy is booming in Lafayette County, and it supports our farmers throughout the year.

The Cap Times, Opinion

Jeremy Wolfe, Plant Technician at Quilt Block Wind Farm at EDP Renewables

For decades across Wisconsin, farmers would feel a gust of summer wind and see the wheat stalks play, meaning they have had another successful year’s harvest. Today, while that same wind rustles the same wheat fields, it also brings income and power through renewable energy.

Wind energy is booming in Lafayette County, and it supports our farmers throughout the year.

As a plant technician for EDP Renewables North America, one of the best parts of my job is seeing the positive impacts derived from our Quilt Block Wind Farm. The wind farm has an installed capacity of 98 megawatts (MW), equivalent to the consumption of 36,000 average Wisconsin homes.

While our energy contributes to meeting the needs of the state, the farmers and other landowners with whom we work directly benefit from our operations. Since it came online in 2017, Quilt Block has paid more than $6.3 million to the landowners from whom we lease our land. These payments provide a stable income stream for farmers and landowners, ensuring that even when crop yields are less than desired, or their primary income source may not pan out, they have a capital safety net to land on. Further, the land is multiuse, so owners can still engage in profitable activities across the fields. The farmers we work with appreciate what the wind turbines provide for them and their families, and we are grateful to work alongside them.

Anyone in our state will tell you: Wisconsin provides for its own by investing locally. If one person in our community is in need, that same community offers help. Wind energy is the same; the locally generated electricity powers our towns and cities.

Wind energy provides support and opportunities for the entire community. Quilt Block created 100 full-time construction jobs and employs 12 team members who operate and perform routine maintenance on the project. These careers have competitive pay and substantial benefits, allowing my colleagues and me to provide for our families and make our homes near the project. Further, it makes me proud to know that renewable energy workers do their part every day to create a healthier planet and a more sustainable future for our children.

Communities that leverage renewable energy solutions immediately reap the value. Quilt Block has contributed to more than $9.7 million of spending within 50 miles of the project, mainly supporting local businesses like restaurants, hotels, shops and other area services. The wind farm has also disbursed approximately $600,000 to local governments, which often goes toward enhancing schools, emergency services, local infrastructure and more. The renewable energy sector will continue to grow as counties see the benefits that the investments bring.

My job is an incredible opportunity to provide for my state while fostering a more sustainable future for my family.