This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the legal notices of (hereinafter, the “Website”).
In order to facilitate your browsing through the Website, EDP RENOVÀVEIS, S.A. (hereinafter “EDPR”) as its  owner, with address in Plaza de la Gesta, num. 2, Oviedo - España, and contact details of the DPO, informs you that it uses cookies and other files of a similar functionality (hereinafter, the “cookies”). 

In order to guarantee the user, the necessary information for proper navigation, we hereby provide the user with the following information on what cookies are, what type of cookies are used on our website and how they can be configured or disabled.

This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Notice, in which we explain how we protect your privacy when using cookies and other relevant information.


Cookies are files sent from a web server that obtain information from users' devices, for example, about their preferences and browsing patterns.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the internet as they offer technical solutions that allow the user to navigate through the various web sites, they cannot harm the user’s equipment/device and they may be used to help identify and resolve possible functioning errors of the Website. They may also be used for advertising or analytical purposes.


More specifically, EDPR uses its own cookies generated directly by this domain and third-party cookies generated from other websites outside EDPR, belonging to third party companies, for the specific purposes set out below. If EDPR uses other cookies in the future in order to provide more and better services, the user will be informed of this.

(i)    Technical cookies

Technical cookies allow the user to navigate through the Website and the use of the different options or services that exist in it as, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access parts of restricted access, control fraud linked to the security of the service, make the application for registration or participation in an event, use security features during navigation, store content for broadcast video or sound, enable dynamic content (for example, animation of loading a text or image) or share content through social networks.

EDPR does not need your consent to install on your device the cookies that are necessary to activate the functionalities of the Website, and their use is based on the need to provide the requested services. If you disable or block all cookies in your browser, your browsing of the Website may not be optimal and some of the utilities available on the Website may not work properly.

(ii)    Customization cookies

These cookies are those which allow the recording of information to access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate your experience to that of other users, such as, for instance, language, number of results to display when performing a search, the aspect or content of the service based on the type of browser with which the user accesses the service or the region from which the service is accessed, etc. 

In case this personalisation was directly requested by the user (namely, selecting ta specific language by clicking in the corresponding item), these types of Cookies shall be considered as a service expressly requested by the user and hence shall be used exclusively for the referred purpose without requesting express consent to that end. Some of these cookies may transfer data outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

(iii)    Analytics cookies

These cookies collect information about how visitors use the Website, for example, which pages visitors go to most often, whether they receive error messages from web pages, which sections of the website they access or which buttons on the Website they click. The information obtained by these cookies does not allow visitors to be identified. All information obtained is aggregated and therefore anonymous. The function of these cookies is to obtain statistics and reports that make it possible to improve the functioning of the website. Some of these cookies may transfer data outside of the EEA.

These cookies are only installed on the user's device when the user accepts them.

EDPR uses analytics cookies from Google Analytics, a company domiciled in the United States. You can avoid the use of Google Analytics in connection with the Website by downloading and installing the browser add-on available through this link:

This tool has been developed specifically for Google Analytics and prevents the mechanism that enables the collection of data about how you browse and use our website from sharing information with Google Ireland Limited and other Google entities based in the United States of America (as reported by Google).

(iv)    Advertising cookies

These cookies are used to display ads that are relevant to the user. They are also used to limit the number of times the user sees an advertisement, as well as to help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They remember that you have visited a website and this information is shared with other organizations such as advertisers. Some of these cookies may transfer data outside the EEA.

These cookies are only set on the user's device when the user accepts them.


Notwithstanding the terms of duration set forth above, the cookies used by EDPR will be retained on your device for the time necessary for the purpose for which they were installed, and for a maximum of 2 years, unless you decide to delete them through the configuration options of your browser (see section 5 of this Policy). The specific duration of each cookie is shown throughout this Cookie Policy.


Third-party cookies are sent to the user's device from a third-party device or domain over which EDPR has no control. In such cases, the third party may process the data collected by cookies, including transferring them outside the EEA, and EDPR may not have the ability to configure the cookies’ operation and/or prevent the transfer of data collected through cookies.

Where certain cookie categories may involve the transfer of data to countries outside the EEA, such as the United States of America, please note that some of these countries do not have an European Commission adequacy decision and may not offer a level of protection equivalent to that in the European Union. For more information about the transfer of your data arising from the use of these cookies please refer to our Privacy Notice.

You can obtain more information about the processing of your data by third parties and about the international transfers carried out by each third party by consulting their privacy policies below:

Privacy Policy: Information about international transfers of personal data:
Privacy Policy:
Privacy Policy:
Privacy Policy: IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework Policies - IAB Europe
Privacy Policy: Information about international transfers of personal data:
Privacy Policy:
Privacy Policy:
Privacy Policy: IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework Policies - IAB Europe


You can accept or reject cookies at any time by accessing our preferences platform again:

In addition, you are informed that you can block or delete cookies through your browser's configuration tools, or you can set your browser to notify you when a server wants to store a Cookie depending on the browser:


You can obtain more information about the processing of your data by EDPR, as well as how to exercise your rights in our Privacy Notice.

You can also contact EDPR, through its DPO at the email address: 

Last update: July 2022.