EDPR Brazil's history started in 2009 with the acquisition of two wind farms named Horizonte and Água Doce, in the State of Santa Catarina.
The company is dedicated to the development, implantation and operation of renewable energy projects in the country and, as today, operates 330.7MW of installed capacity (wind), distributed between 6 complexes in the Northeast and South regions of Brazil.
Until 2023, 8 new wind and solar complexes will be built in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo and Paraíba with a total installed capacity of 1,210 MW.
EDPR Brazil in numbers:
operational in 2020
generated in 2020
capacity secured in 2020
Escritório Sede
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3729 - 9º andar 04538-133Bibi, São Paulo - Brazil
Pereira Barreto
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