EDPR finances a study of rock-nesting species in the Júcar River valley (Albacete, Spain)
The Júcar River valley stands out due to its outstanding geomorphology, plant diversity and birdlife as well as its high landscape value. Its vertical walls are an important refuge for birds of prey and other rock-nesting species.
In 2014 EDPR financed a study of the rock-nesting species that live in the Júcar River valley, specifically the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata), red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) and black wheatear (Oenanthe leucura).
The works amounted to a total of 10,000€ and consisted of a thorough analysis of the existing population in the area, therefore allowing us to understand their current situation, future trends and possible factors of threat.