edp announcement

Announcement about changes in corporate bodies

Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Market Notifications

Madrid, September 26th 2017: EDP Renováveis, S.A. ("EDPR") informs that:

Miguel Dias Amaro has submitted his resignation as member of EDPR’s Board of Directors, given new responsibilities assumed in EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. (“EDP”). Following this resignation, Miguel Dias Amaro also ceases his position in the Executive Committee;
Gabriel Alonso has submitted his resignation as member of EDPR’s Board of Directors, due to personal reasons. Following this resignation, Gabriel Alonso also ceases his position in the Executive Committee.
EDPR would like to thank both Miguel Dias Amaro and Gabriel Alonso for their dedication and valuable contribution to the Company.

In order to fill the vacancies, following the proposals from the Nominations and Remunerations Committee, EDPR Board of Directors, in the meeting held today, appointed by co-optation:

Duarte Melo de Castro Bello, as member of EDPR Board of Directors to be confirmed at the next General Shareholders’ Meeting. Duarte Melo de Castro Bello was previously Head of M&A and Corporate Development at EDP; and
Miguel Angel Prado Balboa, as member of such Board to be confirmed at the next General Shareholders’ Meeting. Miguel Angel Prado Balboa was previously Head of Investments and M&A at EDPR.
The Board of Directors also approved the proposal from the Nominations and Remunerations Committee for the appointment of both Duarte Melo de Castro Bello and Miguel Angel Prado Balboa as members of EDPR Executive Committee, and for their appointments as Joint Directors (“Administradores Mancomunado”). Given such approvals, EDPR Executive Committee is now composed by the following members, who are also Joint Directors:

EDPR - Executive Committee Members’

João Manso Neto (Chairman)
João Paulo Nogueira da Sousa Costeira
Duarte Melo de Castro Bello
Miguel Angel Prado Balboa
EDP Renováveis, S.A.