The lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) is an insect-eating bird that inhabits open areas such as extensive crops, pastureland, steppe zones, etc. but one which requires isolated building structures in small towns or cities where they can build their reproductory colonies.
In order to promote the conservation of this species, EDPR has been collaborated since 2011 with the Council of Communities of Castilla la Mancha in a project geared at restoring old buildings for their conversion into lesser kestrel lofts, facilitating in this manner an adequate breeding site for this species.
The actions that have been taken have required an investment of approximately 30,000€ and consisted mainly in the repair of the roof structure, the removal of broken roof tiles and their replacement with curved roof tiles, as well as hightening of roof tile rows and installing nest boxes to favor nesting of the lesser kestrel.
The monitoring showed satisfactory results, given the high degree of occupatoin of reproductive couples in nests.
EDPR collaborates with Communities of Castilla La Mancha in the conservation of the lesser kestrel population