InitiativesBackground ColorBackground White 25/09/2019 People from Center Imserso in Wind Farm Carcedo 25/09/2019 Poland: Engaging our Communities. 26/09/2019 EDP Renewables celebrates Global Wind Day at El Rincón Wind Farm in Avila, Spain 26/09/2019 EDP University Challenge awards innovative renewables projects from Sp 27/09/2019 Collection of donated clothes, food and toys in various locations 25/09/2019 Kittitas Valley Wind Farm Hosts School Field Trip 25/09/2019 Kittitas Valley Wind Farm Hosts Pacific Northwest Economic Development 26/09/2019 EDP Renováveis and the EDP Foundation grant the 2015 University ChalleLoad MoreBackground ColorBackground White No results were found. Please make a search for other terms or other coverage.