edp announcement


Viernes, 06 Enero 2012
Market Notifications

Madrid, January 6th 2012: EDP Renováveis, S.A. ("EDPR") informs that its principal shareholder EDP ? Energias de Portugal, S.A. ("EDP") has announced today the following:

«As disclosed today, an EDP General Shareholders' Meeting has been convened for next February 20, in which, among other, shareholders will decide upon the election of new members of the Executive Board of Directors, for the 2012?2014 term of office, considering a proposal made by some of EDP shareholders, who hold, in total, a significant percentage of shares representing EDP share capital.

The approval of the abovementioned proposal will necessarily result in a change of Board Members' corporate and management areas, with implications at the level of EDP listed subsidiaries.

As a consequence, shall the referred proposal for the election of new Executive Board Members be approved, EDP hereby informs, from now, that, as major shareholder of EDP Renováveis, it intends to propose the necessary steps for Mr. João Manso Neto to assume the position of EDP Renováveis' Chief Executive Officer, in substitution of Mrs. Ana Maria Fernandes.

Similarly, EDP intends to, as a major shareholder of EDP Energias do Brasil, propose the necessary steps for Mrs. Ana Maria Fernandes to assume the position of Chief Executive Officer of the mentioned company, in substitution of Mr. António Pita de Abreu.»