edp announcement

EDPR secures contracts at Brazilian energy auction

Lunes, 03 Septiembre 2018

Madrid, September 3rd 2018: EDP Renováveis, S.A. (“EDPR”), through its subsidiary EDP Renováveis Brasil, S.A. (“EDPR Brasil”), secured 20-year Power Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) at the Brazilian energy A-6 2018 auction to sell electricity in the regulated market. The energy will be produced by two wind farms to be installed in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Norte, namely Jerusalem with registered capacity of 176 MW and Monte Verde with 253 MW. Commercial operations of both projects are expected to occur in the beginning of 2024. The awarded price of the long-term contracts was set at R$94/MWh and R$87/MWh respectively, both indexed to the Brazilian inflation rate.

In Brazil, considering these new contracts, EDPR has currently under construction and development about 0.8 GW of wind energy projects to start operations in 2018, 2023 and 2024, all with long-term tariffs secured.

With this outcome, EDPR portfolio in Brazil is set to reach 1.1 GW by 2024, reinforcing EDPR presence in a market with a low risk profile, through the establishment of long term PPAs, attractive wind resource and solid prospects for the renewables sector in the medium and long term.

EDP Renováveis, S.A.