MediaÚltimas noticias04/02/2022EDPR se adjudica 39MW en una subasta en Italia El nuevo parque eólico, ubicado en la región de Sicilia, entrará en operación en 2023.26/01/2022EDPR included for the third consecutive year in the Bloomberg Gender Equality IndexIn this edition EDPR has increased its score in the index, demonstrating the importance that the company gives to the culture of gender equality and inclusion.25/01/2022EDPR completes its first wind farm repowering in the USThis repowering has been completed at the Blue Canyon II Wind Farm and its longevity will be extended an additional 20 to 30 years.As a result of this repowering, the installed capacity of the project increases from 151 MW to 162 MW.This project is located in the state of Oklahoma and is part of the four-phase Blue Canyon Wind Farm, which has a total installed capacity of 423 MW.Más noticiasRelaciones con la prensaSi es representante de un medio de comunicación y desea ponerse en contacto con EDPR, no dude en hacernos llegar sus preguntas o comentarios.Europa & Latamcommunication_edpr@edpr.comNorteaméricathomas.weirich@edp.comAsia-Pací