edp announcement

Announcement - Corporate Bodies

Viernes, 22 Abril 2016
Market Notifications

EDP Renováveis, S.A. ("EDPR") informs that, following EDPR's Annual Shareholders Meeting held on April 14th 2016, Francisco Seixas da Costa has formally accepted his election as a member of the Board of Directors.

Madrid, April 21th 2016: EDP Renováveis, S.A. ("EDPR") informs that, following EDPR's Annual Shareholders Meeting held on April 14th 2016, Francisco Seixas da Costa has formally accepted his election as a member of the Board of Directors.

Additionally in the meeting held on April 14th, the Board of Directors agreed to increase the number of members of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee up to four members, and appointed Francisco Seixas da Costa as member of such Committee. Such appointment has also been formally accepted.

As such, the Nominations and Remunerations Committee is composed by:

João Manuel de Mello Franco (Chairman)
António do Pranto Nogueira Leite
Acácio Jaime Liberado Mota Piloto
Francisco Seixas da Costa