InitiativesPreviousEnvironmental InitiativesSocial InitiativesEnvironmental InitiativesSocial InitiativesEnvironmental InitiativesNextBackground ColorBackground White 26/09/2019 EDP Renewables signs agreement with Industrias Peñoles mining company during Mexican trade event in Lisbon 26/09/2019 EDPR at the Energy Sector Day 01/10/2019 Global Wind Day in Poland 25/09/2019 The "Computers for Charity" campaign 25/09/2019 J&Z Wind Farm welcomes visitors of all ages during October. 26/09/2019 Marble River Wind Farm Hosts Wind Day for Local Students 26/09/2019 Businessmen Meeting at the IESE in Madrid with EDP 26/09/2019 EDP Renováveis at the Fado Festival in MadridLoad MoreBackground ColorBackground White 01/10/2019 EDPR NA Awarded Clean Air Champion Award Four Years in a Row 03/10/2019 An example of biodiversity management: The Iberian wolf in EDPR Portug 01/10/2019 EDPR finances a study of rock-nesting species in the Júcar River valle 29/09/2019 Workshop for Women' Asociation form Babieniec 02/10/2019 88% of EDPR's assets are certified as environmental and health and saf 01/10/2019 EDPR conducts study of the Dupont's lark in the province of Soria (Spa 27/09/2019 EDPR NA Sponsors KidWind Workshop in Boardman, Oregon 01/10/2019 EDPR - "Parte de Nós - Florestas" Training DayLoad More
26/09/2019 EDP Renewables signs agreement with Industrias Peñoles mining company during Mexican trade event in Lisbon